Welcome Kyle!
Kyle Walters is joining the lab as an undergraduate researcher for the fall term of 2017. Kyle is a mathematics major who will be investigating a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) approach to predicting population growth. Welcome Kyle!
Kyle Walters is joining the lab as an undergraduate researcher for the fall term of 2017. Kyle is a mathematics major who will be investigating a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) approach to predicting population growth. Welcome Kyle!
Justin will be at ESA 2017 in Portland this coming week, and will be speaking on Thursday, at 3:40 pm, Oregon Convention Center D138, on A spatially-explicit stochastic process model predicts scaling in species aggregation: Relating the quadrat count distribution, Taylor’s Law, and birth-death-immigration models. Yes, it’s a somewhat technical talk, but probably not as technical as it sounds. He’ll describe a new spatial reformulation of a classic stochastic population model that provides a simple explanation for a widely observed scaling pattern, Taylor’s Law. Justin will use this finding to argue for a second scaling law that can be used as the basis for projecting sampled species-area relationships across large spatial scales.
If this sounds interesting, or even if it doesn’t, please feel free to stop by and say hello!
In September 2017, the Kitzes Lab will be moving to the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, where Justin will be starting a position as an Assistant Professor. We’ll be broadly continuing our research in spatial macroecology and conservation going forward. We’re particularly excited to begin field work on bird and bat spatial distributions at the Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, located about two hours north of the university in Northwestern Pennsylvania.
Stay tuned for announcements about upcoming openings in the lab. We’ll be looking for undergraduate students, graduate students, and a field technician to join the lab over the coming year. Postdocs interested in working with the lab should contact Justin to discuss funding opportunities.